Thursday, August 17, 2006 Cooler water brings on bass bite. Cooler water brings on bass bite.

My latest report on fishing as seen in the CT Fisherman Forum.

Eelgrass Maps Home

Eelgrass Maps Home

In my opinion this is a great fish finding tool. Thank you URI.

Eelgrass is the most vital of all sub aquatic vegetation and it's a home to all manner of bait fish and thus it attracts striped bass, fluke and tautog.

Next time you're looking for a new spot to fish - why not go where the eelgrass is always greener?


Monday, August 14, 2006 Double-Wide Filmed While Cliff Diving! Double-Wide Filmed While Cliff Diving!

Lately, I've been publishing my underwater findings to a great CT based fishing website. Here's one of my most recent posts.