Friday, June 30, 2006

Big Surf, Big Fish?

I took a brake from the keyboard late yesterday to meet up with Mike "Tattoo" Dauphin in Newport, Rhode Island for a little surf fishing...emphasis on SURF. A massive low pressure system had just shot up the coast that afternoon and brought with it high winds and very snotty surf...that's on top of the already crappy conditions we've been suffering with for the last several weeks. However, fish sometimes turn on after the front passes and we were hoping it would be at least fishable.

What are your thoughts on rough seas, low pressure and the bite?

The water sure looked fishy and I'm sure the stripers were there and proably feeding, only it was just a little too much surf. The water was so gunked up with weed, you couldn't effectively work your cast for more than a few seconds.

The evening at least provided a good opportunity for some nice surf fishing photos.

Tonight I put the finishing touches on Mike Laptew's Chronicles, a photo essay that documents some of the world's best inshore and offshore fishing areas in Costa Rica. It wil be posted under my websites "Travel" section as both an HTML version and a Adobe Acrobat file for download. There are over 150 high quality images for your viewing pleasure; so download the file and blow it up to full screen on you monitor and enjoy the show.


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