Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fourth of July continued

On a couple of occasions they were directly below me as I was on the surface trying to catch my breath. Every time I dropped down they would spook out of the area before I could train my camera on them. The ones I did find were in all the predictable locations: on the edge of a drop off, on the corner of the reef where the current eddied to provide a break from the full force of the tidal flow, and down the middle of a deep ravine that ran straight into the shoreline. Posted by Picasa

I decided to avoid the current and rough water in favor of chasing the critters that inhabit the inter-tidal zone. You'll find a myriad of marine life that calls this turbulent area home. It's a lively place where hermit crabs, periwinkle, sea stars, blue crabs, green crabs, Japanese crabs and rock crabs crawl about a garden of sea lettuce, Irish moss, rock weed and kelp.


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